Many industries tend to recycle the same fixed ideas and principles as one generation passes on their knowledge to the next. Personal training (PT) is no different. For many years now personal training products and services have based their pricing models around a standard hourly rate. This creates the dilemma of how to measure the value of your personal training services. Is your hourly rate based on qualification level? The skills you can offer? Experience in the industry? The typical PT rate in the geographical location you operate from? The wealth and typical level of disposable income of your target clientele? The history of your past results and successes with clients? All of the above? There is no doubt that all of these are likely factors to weigh up in determining an hourly PT rate, but it is hardly an exact science!
There is a real need within the personal training industry to move forward regarding the way we think and operate regarding our personal training products and how we sell these to our target clientele! Trainers need to think outside the box and to stop driving their services via the standard fixed hourly rate. This is not always beneficial for potential PT clients and it is certainly not helpful for personal trainers. Whilst a PT may have gone through the lengthy analysis to determine their hourly value, the target client’s will not be making this comparison and will be looking at what they receive for their investment, that is it, period! This video blog investigates this problem and offers some key insights into making a shift towards a better solution to products and pricing for personal training services.
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