Biceps, Hyperstrike Exercise Videos

Cable EZ-Bar Biceps Curl

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Muscle Groups
  • Biceps
  • Biceps strength


Cable curls performed with an EZ bar attachment strengthen the biceps and wrist flexors. The EZ bar reduces shearing forces on the wrist and provides a more comfortable grip than the straight bar attachment. Cable curls provide a smooth resistance throughout the entire range-of-motion (ROM). Variations include using a single handle and reverse EZ cable curls.


  • Standing with your body stabilized, hold the EZ-bar with your palms facing up and slightly turned inward.
  • Keep your chest up and your elbows braced at your sides at all time.
  • Bend your elbows and pull the bar up toward your chest, until your elbows can’t bend further.
  • Return slowly to the bottom position.


  • Letting the elbows move forward instead of keeping them back against the torso
  • Leaning back excessively
  • Swinging the body