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V-Grip Seated Row

V-Grip Seated Row

The “V” grip (close-grip) seated row is an excellent exercise for building the lats and mid back. The teres major, rhomboids, trapezius, and rear-delts also assist in this exercise. The close-grip places additional emphasis on the biceps and forearms. Squeeze your scapula together for peak-contraction.

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Ball PowerBlock Shoulder Press

The PowerBlock shoulder press performed while seated on the ball is a great exercise for building shoulder strength while at the same time working the core muscles. As you press the weight overhead you activate more of the core in order to stabilize your spine. This is a good way to add variety to your training plan. You can add this exercise to your workout plan if you are bored with your current routine.

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Alternating Lying Row

Alternating Lying Row

The alternating lying row is a good alternative to the bent-over row because it places very little stress on the low back. While you will not be able to use as much weight you will be able to effectively target the shoulders and upper back. This exercise required dumbbells and a bench making it a good exercise for anyone with limited access to equipment. The alternating lying row can also be performed on a swiss ball to engage the core muscles.

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Ball Dumbbell Chest Press

Ball Dumbbell Chest Press

The dumbbell chest press performed on the ball is significantly more challenging than the barbell bench press. The ball forces you to stabilize your body while pressing the dumbbells. You are also using you glutes and hamstrings to maintain proper position on the ball. This exercise requires you to focus your attention on using proper technique which helps you get more out of the exercise.

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Band Shoulder Extension -- Standing

Band Shoulder Extension — Standing

The shoulder extension exercise performed with a resistance band strengthens the rear-delt and lats. If an elastic band is not available you can use a cable machine. If no equipment is available for your workout a partner can manually apply resistance to your forearm. Concentrate on keeping your torso upright and your arm straight. The shoulder extension exercise is often used in a post-rehabilitation workout routine for strengthening shoulders and increasing mobility.

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Barbell Shoulder Press -- Seated

Barbell Shoulder Press — Seated

The barbell shoulder press performed seated is a compound exercise that strengthens the shoulders and triceps. Compound exercises involve multiple muscle groups and joints. If you are looking to develop strong, well defined-shoulders, the seated barbell press is for you. Seated barbell shoulder presses place more focus on the front of the deltoids than standing barbell presses.

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Barbell Upright Row

Barbell Upright Row

The barbell upright row is strengthens the deltoids and trapezius. The barbell upright row is similar to the “shrug” and “high-pull” exercises in that it requires scapular elevation and recruits the upper back and neck muscles. You can incorporate the barbell upright row into your back workout, shoulder workout or upper-body workout. This is a staple exercise for wrestlers, football players, and mixed martial artists.

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Bent-over Row -- Cable

Bent-over Row — Cable

The bent over row performed on a cable-pulley machine strengthens the latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoids, scapular retractors, spinal extensors and hip extensors. The cable provides additional resistance against the trunk which requires spinal stabilization and core strength. It’s important to keep the knees slightly bent in order to relieve strain on the lower back. Maintain a natural arch in the low back and activate the core while performing the bent over row.

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