Biceps, Forearms, Hyperstrike Exercise Videos

Alternating Hammer Curl — Seated

Alternating Hammer Curl -- Seated

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Muscle Groups
  • Biceps
  • Forearms
  • Brachioradialis (Deep biceps and forearm muscle) strength


The alternating hammer curl performed while seated helps build wrist and forearm strength. At the same time this exercise develops the brachioradialis. This exercise is a great way to finish your biceps workout. Replacing the bench with a swiss ball would increase the demand on your core muscles. Therefore you can work your biceps and your abs at the same time.


  • Seated on the bench with your torso stabilized, hold the dumbbells like hammers down at your sides.
  • Keep your chest up and your elbows braced at your sides at all time.
  • Starting with one arm, bend the elbow and pull the dumbbell up to the shoulder, and then lower it.
  • Repeat with the other side.


  • Letting the elbows move forward instead of keeping them back against the torso
  • Leaning back excessively
  • Swinging the body