Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press — Seated
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- Shoulders
- Deltoid strength
- Triceps strength
The alternating dumbbell shoulder press performed seated focuses on the shoulders and triceps. Using dumbbells allows you to change your hand position which changes the focus placed on the shoulders. Therefore the alternating dumbbell shoulder press is an effective way to add variety to your shoulder routine. The seated position prevents you from cheating on the exercise with too much weight. By alternating each arm you allow the muscles just enough rest to squeeze out a few extra reps.
- Seated at the end of a bench, hold the dumbbells in your hands at shoulder level, palms forward.
- Keep your back straight and your chest up at all time.
- Press one dumbbell up until your arm is straight and the elbow is in line with your ear, then return to shoulder level.
- Repeat with the other side.
- Excessive arching of the back
- Pressing the dumbbells too far in front of the head, instead of directly overhead
- Torso bending to the sides