Ball Superman On Toes
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- Back
- Hips & Buttocks
- Legs
- Lower back strength
- Glute strength
The superman exercise performed on the ball develops the erector spinai muscles and glutes. Performing the superman exercise on a swiss ball increased the demand placed on your core muscles. By holding your arms at your side you also stretch the chest and shoulders. This allows you to develop strength-endurance in your back while stretching the upper body. Keep your feet apart for more stability and closer together for increase difficulty.
- Balance with your stomach on top of the stability ball, with your toes on the ground.
- Drape your torso over the ball and relax your arms down the sides of the ball.
- Starting with the head and upper back, lift your spine one segment at a time off the ball.
- As you near the top, pull the arms and shoulders back as far as you can.
- Return slowly to the start position.
- Cocking the head back
- Dropping the head