Hyperstrike Exercise Videos, Shoulders

Band Shoulder Flexion — Half Range

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Muscle Groups
  • Shoulders
  • Deltoid strength (emphasis: front head)


The band shoulder flexion performed with a partial range-of-motion develops strength in the front deltoid. If an elastic band is not available you may use a cable machine or ask a training partner to manually apply resistance to your forearm as you raise your arm up. Pause at the top of the exercise to get peak-contraction of the shoulder. Perform the shoulder flexion exercise at the end of your workout or before moving to your abdominal exercises.


  • Secure one end of the band and hold the other end in one hand while standing.
  • Face away from the band’s attachment point and keep your chest up at all time.
  • With the arm straight, lift it out in front to 45 degrees, or about belly-button height.
  • Then lower the arm to the start position.


  • Hunching forward
  • Leaning back
  • Torso bending to the side