Back, Hyperstrike Exercise Videos

Bent-over Row — Dumbbells

Bent-over Row -- Dumbbells

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Muscle Groups
  • Back
  • Biceps
  • Shoulders
  • Latissimus dorsi (“wing” muscle) strength
  • Rear deltoid strength
  • Upper back strength
  • Biceps strength


The bent-over row performed with dumbbells strengthens the latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoids, scapular retractors, spinal extensors and hip extensors. The bent-over row with dumbbells is a challenging exercise that transfers well to life demands (real-world fitness). The bent-over row will help you build a strong, great looking back.


  • Holding the dumbbells in your hands, bend forward while shifting the hips back.
  • Keep your back straight and your chest up at all time.
  • With your elbows leading, lift the dumbbells toward your ribcage.
  • Return slowly to the starting position.


  • Not bent over enough
  • Rounding the back
  • Cocking the head
  • Heaving the body excessively