Fitness Science, Nutrition Science, Podcast

Fasted training and the importance of context – Episode 18 with Dr Laurent Bannock



Fasted training or exercising without prior food consumption is claimed to boost metabolism and drive up body fat burning, but is this really true? Get the answers to this in context within episode 18 alongside leading exercise scientist, Dr Laurent Bannock.


Laurent is the founder and director of Guru Performance. He has over 25 years of practitioner experience in the fields of nutrition, fitness, and performance. He currently acts as a consultant to a variety of professional teams (Egyptian FA, Bath & London Irish rugby) & elite level athletes, including the British Fencing World Class Program – supporting the Team GB Fencing Squad. Laurent is a Registered Sports and Exercise Nutritionist (UK SENr), a Certified Sports Nutritionist (ISSN). He is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA), and is a Certified Anthropometrist (ISAK).

Laurent is also the host of his own highly acclaimed ‘We Do Science’ Podcast. He is currently serving panel member of the UK Sport and Exercise Nutrition Register (SENr), is a Fellow of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), sits on the advisory board of the ISSN, and is also an Associate Editor of the Journal of the International Society for Sports Nutrition. Laurent also serves as an expert reviewer for the European Journal of Sports Sciences, and the International Journal of Sports Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism. Laurent is a highly experienced educator & lecturer and is the program director (and founder) for the ISSN Diploma postgraduate programme. He also works as a senior lecturer and program leader for the MSc Sport & Exercise Nutrition program at Middlesex University, London.

Episode details: Fasted training in context

This episode answers important questions and addresses the following issues surrounding fasted training:

  • Why context is vital when interpreting scientific data
  • How to take a broad view of science to apply it effectively in an exercise/nutrition environment
  • What metabolic or body composition benefits can be obtained through fasted training?
  • Are the effects of fasting before training gender specific?
  • What impact to exercise history and training status have on fasted training?


Episode links

During the episode we refer to a position statement created and released by the Guru Performance Institute and Dr Bannock specifically reviewing the application of the science in relation to fasted training. Please click the link below to review this insightful article:

Guru Performance Position Stand Statement

Connect with Laurent via social media

Facebook @guruperformance

Twitter @GuruPerformance

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