Full Body, Hyperstrike Exercise Videos

Jump Burpees

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Muscle Groups
  • Full Body
  • Strengthens upper body.
  • Strengthens torso and hips.
  • Increases lower body power.


Jump burpees develop power in the legs. Burpees strengthen the entire body and provide a great conditioning workout. Perform jump burpees anywhere for a quick, effective workout.


  • Stand with your feet at hip-width.
  • Drop straight down onto your hands and kick your feet straight back (into a pushup position).
  • Move immediately into a pushup.
  • As you complete the pushup, immediately jump your feet forward between your hands.
  • Rise straight into a jump.
  • As you land, absorb and drop straight down into another repitition.
  • Repeat for a specified number of reps.


  • Letting the hips sag or drop while in the pushup position.
  • Jumping the feet back one at a time (must jump both back at the same time).
  • Not jumping the feet forward far enough.
  • Landing from the vertical jump without bending the knees.