Lunge Touchdown and Thrust – Alternating
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- Full Body
- Hips & Buttocks
- Legs
- Shoulders
- Triceps
- Strengthens legs, hips, torso, arms and shoulders.
- Develops and strengthens basic motor patterns.
Lunge touchdown and thrust alternating legs is a great full-body conditioning exercise. This exercise can be used to strengthen the hips, shoulders, torso and arms. The lunge touchdown integrates upper and lower body movement which transfers well to sport and life. This exercise can be performed slowly for emphasis on muscular development or faster to develop the neuromuscular system.
- Stand with your feet at shoulder width, holding your hands relaxed in front of you.
- With one foot, step forward about 16 to 20 inches and descend carefully.
- While descending, drop your shoulders forward, reach your hands to the ground.
- Push back up to the starting position while thrusting your arms staight overhead
- Then repeat with the opposite leg.
- Alternate legs for a specified number of time.
- Front foot and knee not pointing straight.
- Not allowing the shoulders to drop and the back to round forward while reaching down.