PowerBlock Hammer Curl — Standing

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- Biceps
- Forearms
- Brachioradialis (Deep biceps and forearm muscle) strength.
PowerBlock Standing Hammer Curls build the biceps (brachialis) and forearm (brachioradialius) muscles. Wrist curls, another great forearm exercise, can be performed before hammer curls to pre-fatigue the forearms. After the forearms are pre-fatigued the biceps assist the forearm past their normal limits. The extra assistance help the forearms become stronger. Add standing hammer curls to your workout to build great looking arms.
- Standing with your body stabilized, hold the dumbbells down at your sides, palms facing your legs.
- Keep your chest up and your elbows braced at your sides at all time.
- Bend your elbows and pull the dumbbells up toward the shoulders until your elbows can’t bend any more.
- Return slowly to the bottom position.
- Swinging the body.
- Letting the elbows move forward instead of keeping them back against the torso.
- Leaning back excessively.