Back, Hyperstrike Exercise Videos, Shoulders

PowerBlock Muscle Snatch

PowerBlock Muscle Snatch

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Muscle Groups
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Shoulder and upper back strength.
  • Core strength.
  • Building the foundation for more complex exercises, like the snatch.


The PowerBlock Muscle Snatch is a great warm up exercise for snatches or any type of shoulder work. It is also a good pre-hab exercise for baseball and other throwing sports. Finally, it can be used on it’s own to strengthen the shoulders and upper back.


  • Start in a standing position holding the dumbbells in front of you.
  • Push your rear end back and bend forward, stretching the hamstrings slightly, until the dumbbells are just above your knees.
  • Stand up and “muscle” the dumbbells overhead.


  • Bad posture.
  • Using your legs too much.