Hips & Buttocks, Hyperstrike Exercise Videos, Legs

Standing Leg Curl W/ TQLB Leg Boot

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Muscle Groups
  • Hips & Buttocks
  • Legs
  • Hamstring strength.


The Standing Leg Curl W/ TQLB Leg Boot is an isolation exercise for the hamstrings. This is an excellent exercise for shaping and defining the hamstrings. Squeeze the hamstrings at the top for peak-contraction.


  • Adjust swivel pulley to lowest position, attach legboot and set resistance.
  • Place foot into leg boot so strap wraps around backof foot above heel and under foot.
  • Stand facing pulley. Grasp door to stabilize upperbody keeping it upright.
  • Keep knee in place and slowly curl foot upward toward buttocks as far as possible.
  • Return to start position and repeat. After completing one set, switch to other leg.


  • Leaning forward as curl your leg.