Hips & Buttocks, Hyperstrike Exercise Videos, Legs

Step Up and Tap

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Muscle Groups
  • Hips & Buttocks
  • Legs
  • Leg strength
  • Glute strength


The step up and tap exercise develops the glutes, legs, and calves. Step ups are a functional movement that transfers well to sport and life. Bodyweight step ups can be used as a strength and conditioning exercise. Add resistance or increase the height of the step to challenge your body. Step ups can be used as a substitute for lunges or squats.


  • Facing a step-box, step one foot up onto the box.
  • Lift yourself up by lifting the second foot onto the box, so that both feet are on the box.
  • Then step down with the second foot again and then lower the first foot to the ground.


  • Rounding the back
  • Leaning the torso forward excessively
  • Tilting the top knee to one side