Training older adults for real life – Episode 20 with Robert Linkul
With the general population living longer and becoming ever more health aware, the fitness market for clients 50 years and older is booming! But…you need to break the mould and learn how to train this population group effectively. Expert PT in the field of training older adults, Robert Linkul, joins us to share his insights on how he has carved out a successful fitness business in this important niche.
Guest biography
Robert Linkul is the head personal trainer and the owner of Be STRONGER Fitness. Robert has a Master’s degree in Personal Training from the United State Sports Academy (University of Alabama). This is underwritten with a Bachelor’s degree in kinesiology from California State University of Sacramento. Linkul is the Southwest Regional Coordinator with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and was named the NSCA’s 2012 Personal Trainer of the year. Robert serves as the chairman for the NSCA’s personal trainer special interest group and is the career development columnist for their quarterly personal training publication.
Robert is a Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT *D) and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS *D) with distinction. He has also earned a Master Sandbag Instructors Certification from Alpha Strong. He is also a CPT and CSCS exam preparation symposium instructor for the NSCA. Robert has been in the personal training industry since 1999 and has developed a semi-private group training style that few in the industry have mastered. Robert has great skill and empathy for, and a passion for training older adults.
Episode content: Training older adults
In this episode we discuss:
- the difference between training older adults and the elderly
- what has motivated Robert to specialise in training adults in the 50+ category
- managing expectations among older adult clientele
- why strength training is a key aspect of training older populations
- key principles for training older adults
Connect with Robert via social media:
Facebook @BeSTRONGERFitnessSacramento
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