Full Body, Hips & Buttocks, Hyperstrike Exercise Videos, Legs, Shoulders, Triceps

Walking Lunge Thrust

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Muscle Groups
  • Full Body
  • Hips & Buttocks
  • Shoulders
  • Triceps
  • Strengthens legs, hips, torso, arms and shoulders.
  • Develops and strengthens basic motor patterns.


The walking lunge thrust develops full-body fitness. Add the walking lunge thrust with rotation to your workout to burn calories and strengthen the entire body. Increase the resistance or distance for added difficulty.


  • Stand with your feet at shoulder width, holding your hands relaxed in front of you.
  • With one foot, step forward about 16 to 20 inches and descend carefully.
  • Then step forward onto the front leg, thrusting your hands above your head.
  • Then repeat with the opposite leg.
  • Alternate legs for a specified number of time.


  • Front foot and knee not pointing straight.
  • Rounding or tilting the trunk.