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Lateral Jump (Trampoline)

Lateral Jump (Trampoline)

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Muscle Groups
  • Abs and Core
  • Full Body
  • Hips & Buttocks
  • Legs
  • Leg power
  • Hip power


Lateral jumps on the trampoline strengthen the ankles, hips and glutes. This exercise develops explosive strength necessary in many sports such as, gymnastics and wakeboarding. In fact, wakeboarders repeatedly practice their movements on the trampoline to perfect their tricks before hitting the water. Use the trampoline to add variety in your workouts.


  • Stand with your feet directly underneath you.
  • Jump sideway, landing with your feet directly underneath you.
  • Immediately jump back to the other side, landing with your feet directly underneath you.
  • Repeat without pausing during the landing phase.


  • Over-shooting your landing area
  • Hunching and not keeping the chest up