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Lateral Lunging Cross Body Muscle Snatch

Lateral Lunging Cross Body Muscle Snatch

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Muscle Groups
  • Abs and Core
  • Back
  • Legs
  • Shoulder and upper back strength.
  • Coordination of the upper and lower body.
  • Rotational strength.


The Lateral Lunging Cross Body Muscle Snatch is a great exercise to enhance coordination. It uses most of the muscles in your body and teaches them to work together in the most efficient manner. This is a great exercise for beginners to get their body moving in different directions.


  • Start with a dumbbell in your right hand, feet shoulder width apart.
  • Lunge laterally to the left.
  • Reach across your body and touch the dumbbell to the ground.
  • Using your legs to start the movement and then “muscle” the dumbbell overhead while moving your legs back to the start position.
  • After the prescribed number of reps, repeat on the left side.


  • Catching the dumbbell too wide.
  • Letting your head drop down.