Forearm Extensor Stretch

The forearm extensor stretch is a passive stretch for the muscles on the top of the forearm. This stretch improves flexibility and strength in the brachioradialis. The forearm extensors can become weakened and overused if not properly trained. Sports such as tennis and golf place high demands on the forearm muscles. The forearm extensor stretch should be included as part of the post-game cool down.

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Forearm Flexor Stretch

The forearm flexor stretch relaxes the wrist and forearm muscles. The standing stretch can be performed anywhere and should be included in your workout routine. Many common pulling exercises require the forearm muscles to contract and this can lead to tight, overused muscles. The standing forearm flexor stretch is a good way to alleviate tight muscles in the forearm.

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Forearm Supination Stretch

The forearm supination stretch targets the wrist and forearm muscles. These muscles are susceptible to repetitive stress injuries and should be stretched often. Focus on gentle rotation of the wrist and hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds. Repeat the forearm supination stretch as recommended, typically twice a day or until return to normal function.

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