Cable Hip Abduction — Side-Lying

The cable hip abduction performed lying on your side is an effective exercise for the glutes, hip and outer thigh. The cable stack and ankle strap are available at many gyms. To do this exercise effectively try to lift you leg directly to the side without drifting forward or back. The hip abduction lying on your side can also be performed with a band or resistance tubing.

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Deep Hip

The deep hip stretch is used to improve flexibility in the hip. Hip flexibility is important for easy of movement as well as athletic performance. People who spend a lot of time sitting will benefit from the deep hip stretch. Tight muscles in your hip will also put the brakes on your jumping and sprint. Just like every other stretch, the deep hip stretch should be performed after the body is thoroughly warmed up.

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Dumbbell Step up – Low Step

The dumbbell step up targets the glutes and thighs. Step ups are a functional movement which transfers well to everyday life. So while you are building great looking legs you are also preparing you body to handle the stress of everyday life. If your goal is to build lean, shapely legs, select a moderate resistance and if your goal is to develop additional muscle select heavier dumbbells.

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Forward Lunge – Alternating

Forward lunge alternating is a great bodyweight exercise for sculpting the lower body. The thighs and butt are the primary movers in the lunge exercise. Alternating each leg for a high number of repetitions or for an extended duration – makes the exercise more aerobic. This challenges the cardiovascular system and burns a lot of calories. Adding resistance to the lunge is another way to challenge your lower-body to change.

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Forward Lunge Rotation – Alternating

Forward lunge rotation alternating strengthens the legs, hips and torso. The rotation develops and strengthens basic motor patterns and makes the exercise very functional. Functional exercises transfer the benefits to daily activities, such as working in the back yard or playing with your children. Keep the rest periods short for a great conditioning workout.

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Forward Lunge Thrust – Alternating

Forward lunge thrust alternating is a full body exercise that develops strength, endurance and improves your conditioning. This challenging and fun bodyweight exercise strengthens the legs, glutes (butt), shoulders, torso and triceps. With no equipment you can perform this exercise anywhere, making it a good choice for boot camp class or group training.

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Gluteal Stretch

The gluteal (butt) stretch increases the range-of-motion in the hips and low back. This is a great exercise for anyone working at a desk or performing manual labor. The hip and lower back muscles can become tight and limit mobility. The gluteal stretch should be part of your regular stretching and exercise plan to strengthen and relax the back.

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Hip Pull Across

The hip pull across stretches the external hip and outside upper leg. The IT Band is connective tissue that runs from the pelvis to the outside of the hip, down the outside of the leg to the patella (i.e., knee) and tibia (i.e., bone of the lower leg). It links the pelvis, upper and lower leg. Regular activity shortens the IT Band and pulls on the patella. The hip pull across can be added to your fitness program to help alleviate and prevent IT Band Syndrome.

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Jumping Lunges – Moving

Jumping lunges with forward motion develop strong, powerful legs. The jumping lunge is a fun exercise that requires no equipment and can be performed at home or in the gym. This exercise has strength and conditioning benefits that will shape your legs and burn fat. Due the high demand this exercise places on the neuromuscular system, it is recommended that you rest 48 hours before the next lower body workout.

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Lateral Step Up

Lateral step-ups strengthen and define the inner thighs and hips. Lateral steps ups can be performed with dumbbells for added resistance. The side-to-side movement provides additional stability requirements for the hips and core muscles. Lateral step ups can be used to shape and define the legs. Include this exercise in your lower-body or circuit training workout.

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