
The A-Bound exercise can be used as a dynamic warm-up or plyometric, lower-body exercise. No equipment is needed so it can be done by almost anyone, anywhere. You might find this exercise in strength and conditioning program for basketball, track and filed, soccer and football. A good base level of lower body strength and conditioning is desired before attempting the A-Bound.

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Alternating Rotation Crunch on Bolster

Alternating Rotation Crunch on Bolster

If you are looking to target obliques and abdominals this exercise delivers results. You can roll up a towel or use a yoga bolster to support your low back. If you travel this is a great exercise that can be performed in your hotel room. Make sure you do not place pressure on your neck, just cradle your head with your hands. Focus on using your stomach muscles to perform the work and bring your torso up as high as possible.

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Alternating Split-Squat Jump

Alternating Split-Squat Jump

The alternating split-squat jump is not for beginners. This exercise is very demanding and requires a strong base before attempting. After performing a few reps you will feel like you ran wind sprints. It’s a good exercise for building strength and explosiveness for sports such as basketball, volleyball and other jumping sports. While building strength this exercise is also good for cardiovascular endurance. You might consider this exercise if you are cross training.

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Arm-Reaching Crunch

Arm-Reaching Crunch

The arm-reaching crunch is a basic and effective abdominal exercise. Beginner exercisers may perform this exercise as part of their warm-up or cool-down. The arm-reaching crunch builds abdominal strength that will be required for more advanced exercises. This is an effective alternative to the full sit-up because your range of motion is limited and the movement is slow and controlled. Try a few of these during commercial breaks.

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Arm-Reaching Sit Up

Arm-Reaching Sit Up

The arm-reaching sit up is a more advanced version of the arm-reaching crunch. You’ll need to develop a baseline level of abdominal strength before attempting this exercise. Due to the full range of motion it’s recommended that you do not have any pre-existing lower back complications. This exercise is good for times when you can’t make it to the gym or you have no equipment. When performed slowly the arm-reaching sit up will be very challenging. You may use your hands to assist you squeeze

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Ball Pushup Feet on Ball

Ball Pushup Feet on Ball

If your push ups are too easy you can perform them with your feet on a ball. By raising your feet you add more resistance to the upper chest muscles, much like the incline bench press. The swiss ball also adds the extra challenge of maintaining your balance while performing the exercise. The instability challenges your core and activates the abdominals, low back and obliques.

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Ball Side Drape

The side drape performed on the ball will help you relieve tightness in your trunk muscles. If you sit for long periods of time and your body feels tight, this exercise will get you feeling better. Let your body melt into the ball and relax your upper body. You can perform this exercise as part of your cool down and post-workout recovery. Perform the side drape for both sides of your body during the workout.

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Ball Side Drape -- Arm Over-head

Ball Side Drape — Arm Over-head

The ball side drape with arms over head stretches the torso and back muscles. By extending the arm overhead you increase the effectiveness of the stretch and release tension in the shoulder blades. Hold your arms overhead for 30 seconds or as long as it feels good. Repeat often during back workouts and at the end of your workouts. Keep your feet apart to stabilize your torso.

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Band Crunch

Band Crunch

The crunch performed with a resistance band is a great way to work the abdominals. The band increases in resistance as you perform the crunch, making it more challenging than the floor crunch. Select a resistance band that allows you to perform as many reps as recommended while maintaining proper technique. You can anchor the band to a stable object behind you and increase the resistance by moving further away from it. Keep you neck straight and eyes focused up as you crunch.

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Band Push Up

Band Push Up

The push up is a great upper-body exercise. When performed often, it develops strength and endurance in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Performing push-ups with a resistance band increases the difficulty of the exercise. If you’ve been leaving the push-up out of your upper-body workout because it’s too easy, add the resistance band and you’ll be surprised at the results. The exercise is fun to perform and feels good on the upper-body muscles. Best of all you can do push-ups anywhere.

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