Lateral Box Shuffle

Lateral Box Shuffle

The lateral box shuffle is a good sport-specific training drill to increase leg power and lower-body conditioning. The lateral box shuffle can be included in your daily workout routine to elevate the metabolism. Perform a compound movement such as squats followed by a bodyweight exercise such as the lateral box shuffle to burn the maximum amount of calories during your workout.

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Barbell Static Lunge

Barbell Static Lunge

The stationary or static barbell lunge is a great beginner exercise for developing strong, legs and glutes. The static barbell lunge can be performed at home or in the gym with limited space and equipment. It’s recommended that the static lunge be performed after a strong strength base has been built with squats or leg presses. The static barbell lunge is ideal for anyone looking to get a great lower-body workout.

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Leg Curl — Lying Machine

The leg curl exercise is an isolation movement for the hamstrings. If the hamstrings are not strengthened along with the quadriceps (front of the thigh) imbalances may result and lead to injuries. It is recommended that the hamstrings are strengthened and stretched as part of a comprehensive lower-body workout routine. The hamstrings add shape to the thighs and butt.

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Leg Extension

Leg extensions are an isolation exercise for the quadriceps (front of the thigh). Its easy to achieve a peak-contraction on the leg extension due to the pre-stretch at the beginning of the movement. Pause at the top for a brief second to squeeze the thighs. The leg extension is used with compound exercises such as squats and presses to shape, build and define the legs.

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