Leg Curl — Standing

The standing leg curl is an isolation exercise for the hamstrings. The standing leg curl is an excellent exercise for shaping and defining the hamstrings. If a standing leg curl machine is unavailable at your gym, a cable column and ankle attachment may be used in its place. Squeeze the hamstrings at the top for peak-contraction.

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Quads Stand

The quad stand is a great stretch for your quads (the front of your thigh). It is a good cool down exercise after a lower body workout or running. Stretching your quads will increase the flexibility in your knees and allow you move better. As with all other stretching exercises the quad stand should be done after a thorough warm up.

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Short Groin

The short groin stretch targets the inner thighs. The inner thighs work to adduct (bring together) the legs. The adductors include the pectineus, adductor brevis and adductor longus and the gracilis and adductor magnus. The inner thigh muscles are used in many sports such as, sprinting, playing football, and horse riding. The short groin stretch target the short adductors which go from the pelvis to the thigh bone.

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Neural Mobility

The neural mobility stretch is a good exercise for office workers and people with a tight neck and shoulders. It can be performed anywhere, at any time. When doing this exercise it helps to think of lengthening your neck, not just leaning to one side. When done properly and regularly the neural mobility stretch should help improve the range of motion in your neck.

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Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press — Seated

The alternating dumbbell shoulder press performed seated focuses on the shoulders and triceps. Using dumbbells allows you to change your hand position which changes the focus placed on the shoulders. Therefore the alternating dumbbell shoulder press is an effective way to add variety to your shoulder routine. The seated position prevents you from cheating on the exercise with too much weight. By alternating each arm you allow the muscles just enough rest to squeeze out a few extra reps.

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Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press — Standing

The alternating dumbbell shoulder press performed standing works on the shoulders and triceps. Using dumbbells while standing allows you to cheat a little and therefore use more weight. This is important if you are trying to build strong shoulders. By alternating each arm you allow the muscles just enough rest to squeeze out a few extra reps. Using dumbbells requires you to recruit more stabilizer and core muscles and therefore you work more of the shoulder muscles during the workout.

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Back Scratch

The back scratch exercise is great for relieving tension in the shoulders. Each time you perform the back scratch try and move your hand higher up your back and push your chest out further. This is a good exercise for swimmers or anyone with tightness in their shoulders. Hold the stretch for longer periods and do many sets throughout the day to keep improving.

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Ball Dumbbell Shoulder Press

The dumbbell shoulder press performed while seated on the ball is a great exercise for building shoulder strength while at the same time working the core muscles. As you press the weight overhead you activate more of the core in order to stabilize your spine. This is a good way to add variety to your training plan. You can add this exercise to your workout plan if you are bored with your current routine.

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Band Shoulder External Rotation — Standing

External rotation performed with the resistance band is a great rotator cuff exercise. Years of bench pressing and heavy weightlifting may lead to an imbalance of strength between the prime movers and stabilizers of the shoulders. Performing external rotation will help correct imbalances and keep your rotator cuff muscles healthy and strong. You can perform this exercise after an upper-body workout. Use an elastic band or cable machine.

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Band Shoulder Flexion — Half Range

The band shoulder flexion performed with a partial range-of-motion develops strength in the front deltoid. If an elastic band is not available you may use a cable machine or ask a training partner to manually apply resistance to your forearm as you raise your arm up. Pause at the top of the exercise to get peak-contraction of the shoulder. Perform the shoulder flexion exercise at the end of your workout or before moving to your abdominal exercises.

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Band Shoulder Flexion — Standing

Shoulder flexion performed with a resistance band and while standing strengthens the shoulder muscles. Pause at the top of the exercise to achieve peak-contraction of the deltoids. Keep your trunk tight and torso upright to activate your core muscles. Perform this exercise on an unstable base such as a Bosu ball to further challenge your core muscles. Perform this exercise at the end of your upper-body workout.

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Bench Dip — Feet Elevated

Bench dips with feet elevated develops strength in the deltoids and triceps. When your feet are elevated off the floor emphasis is placed on the triceps and shoulders. Experienced weightlifters and bodybuilders use extra weight when performing bench dips to stimulate strength development and size (hypertrophy). Plates are placed on the thighs and a training partner assists in adding and removing the weight when ready. Bench dips can be performed at home or at the gym with a couple of benches.

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