PowerBlock Push Press With Rotation

PowerBlock Push Press With Rotation

The PowerBlock Push Press with Rotation develops power and strength in the upper and lower-body. The rotation component activates the core muscles. If you are looking for a quick, effective workout, combine this exercise with Burpees and the Long Jump. You may use heavier weights performing the push press than when performing the exercise with strict form.

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Ball Side Drape — Arm At Side

The ball side drape with arm at side is an excellent stretch for the torso. This exercise can be added to your workout on your strength or cardio day. It’s recommended that you perform the ball side drape with your arm at your side to help control the stability of the ball. Keep your feet apart to create a solid support base for your upper body. Exhale and melt into the ball.

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PowerBlock Alternating Curl — Standing

The standing alternating curl is a bodybuilding staple. You can use more weight than the seated variation because you can cheat by using your body to help swing the weight up. You can use the standing alternating curl to develop mass and strength. For a great arm pump use lighter weight and perform more repetitions. For strength development, use heavier dumbbells even though you won’t be able to perform as many reps.

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PowerBlock Alternating Hammer Curl — Seated

The PowerBlock Alternating Hammer Curl — Seated performed while seated helps build wrist and forearm strength. At the same time this exercise develops the brachioradialis. This exercise is a great way to finish your biceps workout. Replacing the bench with a swiss ball would increase the demand on your core muscles. Therefore you can work your biceps and your abs at the same time.

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PowerBlock Alternating Supinating Curl — Seated

The PowerBlock alternating supinating curl is perfect for concentrating on the biceps. This exercise allows your body to move in it’s natural range of motion. This exercise lets you focus on your biceps without letting you cheat with your body. Alternating arms gives each side a little rest so you can pump out a few more repetitions. To perform this exercise you will need a pair of dumbbells and a place to sit. Focus on turning your little finger in toward your body as you raise the dumbbell.

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PowerBlock Curl–Standing

PowerBlock biceps curls performed standing are a great way to build strong, sexy arms. Dumbbell biceps curls are a staple in every gym. Almost everyone is interested in developing great looking arms. Dumbbells curls are used in place of barbell curls when balanced strength is desired in each arm. Sculpt your arms with standing dumbbell curls.

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PowerBlock Hammer Curl — Standing

PowerBlock Standing Hammer Curls build the biceps (brachialis) and forearm (brachioradialius) muscles. Wrist curls, another great forearm exercise, can be performed before hammer curls to pre-fatigue the forearms. After the forearms are pre-fatigued the biceps assist the forearm past their normal limits. The extra assistance help the forearms become stronger. Add standing hammer curls to your workout to build great looking arms.

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