Dumbbell Push Press with Rotation

Dumbbell Push Press with Rotation

Dumbbell Push Press with Rotation develops power and strength in the upper and lower-body. The rotation component activates the core muscles. If you are looking for a quick, effective workout, combine this exercise with Burpees and the Long Jump. You may use heavier weights performing the push press than when performing the exercise with strict form.

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Alternating Lying PowerBlock Row

Alternating Lying PowerBlock Row

The alternating lying PowerBlock row is a good alternative to the bent-over row because it places very little stress on the low back. While you will not be able to use as much weight you will be able to effectively target the shoulders and upper back. This exercise required dumbbells and a bench making it a good exercise for anyone with limited access to equipment. The alternating lying row can also be performed on a swiss ball to engage the core muscles.

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Dumbbell Sit Up

Dumbbell Sit Up

The dumbbell sit-up is a great exercise for training abs. If you desire a flat-belly, you’ll want to include this exercise in your routine. If regular floor sit-ups are too easy, use a dumbbell to increase the resistance on the abs. The hip flexors are also involved in the sit-up. The goal is to continually challenge the abs to grow stronger. Keep the rest periods to a minimum and your get more results in less time.

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Depth Jump and Lateral Sprint

Depth Jump and Lateral Sprint

The depth jump and lateral sprint is a good plyometric exercise to build explosive power and sprinting speed. This is a very advanced exercise and should not be attempted unless you have a solid conditioning base. The depth jump and lateral sprint simulates the demands of many sports, such as basketball and soccer, and allows the athlete to focus on mechanics to improve their performance on game day.

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Depth Jump with 180-Degree Spin

Depth Jump with 180-Degree Spin

The depth jump with 180 degree spin improves both explosive power and proprioception. Plyometric exercises are advanced exercises that require a high level of fitness before you attempt them. The depth jump uses the stretch reflex to improve the explosive power in your legs. The 180 degree spin improves your awareness and balance. This is important for many sports, especially basketball and volleyball.

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Straight Bar Chest Press on Exercise Ball

Straight Bar Chest Press on Exercise Ball

The Straight Bar Chest Press on Exercise Ball is significantly more challenging than the barbell bench press. The ball forces you to stabilize your body while pressing the bar. You are also using you glutes and hamstrings to maintain proper position on the ball. This exercise requires you to focus your attention on using proper technique which helps you get more out of the exercise.

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Dumbbell Squat

Dumbbell Squat

The dumbbell squat will build strong, shapely legs. Dumbbell squats strengthen the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps. Using dumbbells allows you to avoid placing loads directly on the back. Squats can be used to build muscle and burn fat by reducing the rest time between sets. Use lighter loads for muscular endurance and heavier loads for building strength and size in the legs.

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Forward and Backward Jump (Trampoline)

Forward and Backward Jump (Trampoline)

Forward and backward jumping on a trampoline develops power in the legs and hips. The trampoline requires additional stabilization at the ankles, knees and hips. The added instability challenges your body to remain balanced as you jump forward and backward. If the exercise is performed for several minutes it can be a great conditioning exercise. This exercise is can be included as part of a circuit training program.

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Forward Lunge

Forward Lunge

The forward lunge is a dynamic and functional lower body exercise. The forward lunge delivers many benefits including strength in the legs and butt and improved balance and body awareness. Lunges also develop muscular endurance and explosive strength in the thighs. Forward lunges will give you a great looking lower body. Adding resistance will keep your muscles stimulated and the results coming.

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