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Overhead Squat

The overhead squat is a great exercise that stretches and strengthens at the same time. In addition to strengthening your body it also teaches your upper and lower body to work together. For most people just using a broom stick of piece of pvc pipe will be challenging. AS your flexibility and strength improves you can add weight. I truly believe the overhead squat is one of the toughest exercises.

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Push Jerk

The push Jerk is an efficient way to press a lot of weight. It forces the upper and lower body to work together and is very challenging for the core musculature. Flexibility may be a limiting factor for many people. If that is the case then work on your flexibility and you may be more successful with the Split Jerk.

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Squat Thruster with Rotation

Squat thruster with rotation strengthens the legs, hips, thighs, torso, shoulders, and arms. This exercise delivers both strength and conditioning benefits. Dumbbells can be used to provide additional resistance. The rotation makes this exercise a good choice for anyone desiring real-world fitness. The squat thruster with rotation transfers well to sport and life.

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