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Lunge Touchdown and Thrust – Alternating

Lunge touchdown and thrust alternating legs is a great full-body conditioning exercise. This exercise can be used to strengthen the hips, shoulders, torso and arms. The lunge touchdown integrates upper and lower body movement which transfers well to sport and life. This exercise can be performed slowly for emphasis on muscular development or faster to develop the neuromuscular system.

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Squat Thruster with Rotation

Squat thruster with rotation strengthens the legs, hips, thighs, torso, shoulders, and arms. This exercise delivers both strength and conditioning benefits. Dumbbells can be used to provide additional resistance. The rotation makes this exercise a good choice for anyone desiring real-world fitness. The squat thruster with rotation transfers well to sport and life.

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Forward Lunge Rotation – Alternating

Forward lunge rotation alternating strengthens the legs, hips and torso. The rotation develops and strengthens basic motor patterns and makes the exercise very functional. Functional exercises transfer the benefits to daily activities, such as working in the back yard or playing with your children. Keep the rest periods short for a great conditioning workout.

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Forward Lunge Thrust – Alternating

Forward lunge thrust alternating is a full body exercise that develops strength, endurance and improves your conditioning. This challenging and fun bodyweight exercise strengthens the legs, glutes (butt), shoulders, torso and triceps. With no equipment you can perform this exercise anywhere, making it a good choice for boot camp class or group training.

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Band Bench Press

The bench press performed with a resistance band works the chest, shoulders and triceps. The resistance on the band increases as you press away from you chest and decreases as you return to the starting position at the bottom. The resistance band also recruits the stabilizer muscles around the shoulders. You’ll want to find a band with enough resistance at the top of the movement, also called the “positive” portion of the exercise.

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Barbell Bench Press

The bench press is often referred to as the “king” of upper-body exercise. The bench press develops strength in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Using a barbell allows you to lift more weight than using dumbbells because you do not have to focus on stabilizing the weight as you push up. It’s important to keep your feet on the floor for stability and always use a spotter for safety. The bench press should be a staple in your upper-body workouts.

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Bench Dip — Feet Elevated

Bench dips with feet elevated develops strength in the deltoids and triceps. When your feet are elevated off the floor emphasis is placed on the triceps and shoulders. Experienced weightlifters and bodybuilders use extra weight when performing bench dips to stimulate strength development and size (hypertrophy). Plates are placed on the thighs and a training partner assists in adding and removing the weight when ready. Bench dips can be performed at home or at the gym with a couple of benches.

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Hand Stand Lockout - Wall Suppor

Hand Stand Lockout – Wall Support

Hand Stand lockout is the precursor to the handstand pushups with wall support. This exercise develops strength in the shoulders and arms. This exercise is advanced and should be performed with supervision. Build a strong level of strength in the shoulders and upper-body before attempting this exercise. Coordination and balance are improved.

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Dumbbell Matrix Lunges With Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Matrix Lunges With Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Matrix Lunges With Shoulder Press is a great full-body conditioning exercise. This exercise can be used to strengthen the hips, shoulders, torso and arms. The lunge touchdown integrates upper and lower body movement which transfers well to sport and life. This exercise can be performed slowly for emphasis on muscular development or faster to develop the neuromuscular system.

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Dumbbell Push Press with Rotation - Alternating

Dumbbell Push Press with Rotation – Alternating

Dumbbell Push Press with Rotation – Alternating develops power and strength in the upper and lower-body. The rotation component activates the core muscles. If you are looking for a quick, effective workout, combine this exercise with Burpees and the Long Jump. You may use heavier weights performing the push press than when performing the exercise with strict form.

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