Ball Drape

Ball Drape

The ball drape is a passive stretch for the upper, mid and lower-back. It’s a very simple exercise to help relieve tightness in the back. Anyone who sits for long periods of time will benefit from performing the ball drape. For more of a stretch try and wrap your body around the ball. It’s important to relax and breath deeply.

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Ball Dumbbell Chest Press

Ball Dumbbell Chest Press

The dumbbell chest press performed on the ball is significantly more challenging than the barbell bench press. The ball forces you to stabilize your body while pressing the dumbbells. You are also using you glutes and hamstrings to maintain proper position on the ball. This exercise requires you to focus your attention on using proper technique which helps you get more out of the exercise.

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Band Lat Pulldowns

Band Lat Pulldowns

Lat pulldowns performed with a resistance band is a great exercise to develop “lat” strength. The latissimus dorsi muscles are activated in pulling movements and must be trained for proper back development. This exercise can be performed at home or at the gym. Using the resistance band allows each arm to operate independently. For variety in your workouts, alternate pulling each side down. When the resistance on the band becomes too easy, use the cable machine.

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Band Seated Trunk Extension

Band Seated Trunk Extension

The seated trunk extension performed with a resistance band around your upper-body will increase your low back strength. This is a terrific exercise for anyone who sits in an office chair all day. After performing this exercise you will feel like your posture has improved. Hunching forward at a computer all day will place strain on your neck, shoulders and low back. The seated trunk extension is perfect for short stretch breaks.

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Band Shoulder Abduction -- Standing

Band Shoulder Abduction — Standing

The band shoulder adduction is used to strengthen the chest and lats. You can perform this exercise at home or at the gym with an elastic band or cable machine. This exercise is often performed to strengthen the shoulders and to regain mobility after surgery. As you progress on this exercise, select an elastic band with a high degree of tension for more resistance and added difficulty.

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Band Shoulder Extension -- Standing

Band Shoulder Extension — Standing

The shoulder extension exercise performed with a resistance band strengthens the rear-delt and lats. If an elastic band is not available you can use a cable machine. If no equipment is available for your workout a partner can manually apply resistance to your forearm. Concentrate on keeping your torso upright and your arm straight. The shoulder extension exercise is often used in a post-rehabilitation workout routine for strengthening shoulders and increasing mobility.

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Barbell Shoulder Press -- Seated

Barbell Shoulder Press — Seated

The barbell shoulder press performed seated is a compound exercise that strengthens the shoulders and triceps. Compound exercises involve multiple muscle groups and joints. If you are looking to develop strong, well defined-shoulders, the seated barbell press is for you. Seated barbell shoulder presses place more focus on the front of the deltoids than standing barbell presses.

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Barbell Upright Row

Barbell Upright Row

The barbell upright row is strengthens the deltoids and trapezius. The barbell upright row is similar to the “shrug” and “high-pull” exercises in that it requires scapular elevation and recruits the upper back and neck muscles. You can incorporate the barbell upright row into your back workout, shoulder workout or upper-body workout. This is a staple exercise for wrestlers, football players, and mixed martial artists.

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Bent-over Row -- Cable

Bent-over Row — Cable

The bent over row performed on a cable-pulley machine strengthens the latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoids, scapular retractors, spinal extensors and hip extensors. The cable provides additional resistance against the trunk which requires spinal stabilization and core strength. It’s important to keep the knees slightly bent in order to relieve strain on the lower back. Maintain a natural arch in the low back and activate the core while performing the bent over row.

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Bent-over Row -- Dumbbells

Bent-over Row — Dumbbells

The bent-over row performed with dumbbells strengthens the latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoids, scapular retractors, spinal extensors and hip extensors. The bent-over row with dumbbells is a challenging exercise that transfers well to life demands (real-world fitness). The bent-over row will help you build a strong, great looking back.

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The bridge exercise, “bridging” strengthens the glutes and develops core stability. Bridging can be performed anywhere and can be incorporated into your workout as part of your core routine. The basic bridge is an excellent beginner exercise, while the single-leg bridge is ideal for more advanced exercisers. You may also perform the bridge on a Swiss ball or Pilates Reformer machine.

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Bridging Single-legged

Bridging Single-legged

The basic bridge exercise is made more difficult by lifting one leg in the air while the other is planted firmly on the ground. The single-leg bridge is great for developing glute, and hamstring strength and core stability. To progress the single-leg bridge hold the leg extended for a longer periods of time during each workout. The added time will challenge your muscles to stabilize your body as you move the leg.

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The Deadlift is an awesome total body exercise. It strengthens your upper back, grip and lower back and legs all at the same time. Regular practice of the Deadlift will reinforce the proper way to lift things and build strength necessary to lift everyday objects, like groceries and suitcases. When performing the Deadlift it is important for you to maintain perfect posture and keep the bar close to your body.

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Dumbbell Upright Row

Dumbbell Upright Row

Dumbbell upright rows strengthen and define the shoulders and traps. The biceps also assist in pulling the dumbbells up. The dumbbell upright row should be performed with a moderate weight and care must be taken to use proper technique. If too heavy of a load is used with improper technique a shoulder injury may occur. A common injury at the shoulder joint is “impingement” in which the bones pinch the tendons in the shoulder rotators.

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