Ball Reverse Extension

Ball Reverse Extension

The reversion extension on the swiss ball is a great exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back and glutes. By using the swiss ball you activate more muscles than if you perform the exercise on the floor or on a bench. The reverse extension on the ball is ideal for anyone looking to improve their back and glute strength. Hold the contraction for a second or two to get the most out of this exercise.

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Ball Reverse Hip Extension

Ball Reverse Hip Extension

The reverse hip extension on the ball develops strength in the low back, glutes and hamstrings. This exercise is a challenging and fun way to develop low back strength. Focus on activating your glutes as you raise your legs. Keep your feet close together and stabilize your upper body with your hands planted firmly on the floor. Perform this exercise for a stronger core.

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Ball Thoracic Extension

Ball Thoracic Extension

The ball thoracic extension is a stability ball exercise that strengthens the upper back and core. The surface of the ball allows for greater range of motion than if performed on the floor. The stability ball is a great tool for developing your strength, endurance, balance, and coordination. Perform the ball thoracic exercise at home or in the gym.

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Ball Tripod Drape

Ball Tripod Drape

The tripod drape performed on a swiss ball stretches the back muscles. The upper, middle and lower-back muscles are effectively stretched with this exercise. The surface of the stability ball allows the muscles surrounding the shoulder blades to relax. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds or as long as it feels good. Alternate this exercise with rolling your back on the foam core to work out knots and give self massage.

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Ball Trunk Extension

Ball Trunk Extension

The trunk extension on the Swiss ball develops low back and glute strength. Performing this exercise with you feet against a wall will add support and make it easier to perform. Once you’ve mastered this exercise with your feet against a wall try it in an open space. By keeping you feet together you will recruit more of the core. As you extend your back you will feel the ball shift underneath you and this movement will require more muscles to stabilize your body.

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Narrow-Stance Barbell Parallel Squat

Narrow-Stance Barbell Parallel Squat

The narrow stance barbell parallel squat is a good exercise to develop all of the major muscle groups of your legs. Only going to parallel lets you use a little more weight than squatting all the way down. Using more weight helps develop the ligaments and tendons as well as core strength. For added challenge try doing these from the bottom up.

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Half Curl-Down

Half Curl-Down

The half curl-down strengthens the abdominals and hip flexors. The half curl-down can be included in your workout routine to help you strengthen and sculpt the abs. Diet and exercise are critical for fat loss. Isolation exercises such as crunches target specific muscle groups, but do not contribute to fat loss. The most efficient method for getting great looking abs is to keep a low-fat diet, exercise regularly and maintain a low body fat percentage.

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Hang Clean

Hang Clean

The hang clean develops speed, power and balance in the entire body. Hang cleans are a ground-based, full-body exercise that train the abdominals, obliques, erectors of lower back, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, and groin area. The benefits of the hang clean transfer directly to the athletic arena and provide many benefits for regular exercisers such as; improved balance, quickness, strength, power, and body awareness.

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Hang High Pull

Hang High Pull

The clean hang high-pull develops power in the legs, hips, torso, arms and shoulders. The hang high-pull requires less skill than the power or hang clean and therefore can be easily incorporated into beginner workout routines. The most effective workout routines emphasize big basic movements which have the greatest training effects. The hang high-pull challenges you to control and stabilize your upper-body.

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