Step Up

Step ups develop the legs, glutes, and calves. Step ups are a functional movement that transfers well to sport and life. Bodyweight step ups can be used as a strength and conditioning exercise. Add resistance or increase the height of the step to challenge your body. Step ups can be used as a substitute for lunges or squats.

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Step Up and Tap

The step up and tap exercise develops the glutes, legs, and calves. Step ups are a functional movement that transfers well to sport and life. Bodyweight step ups can be used as a strength and conditioning exercise. Add resistance or increase the height of the step to challenge your body. Step ups can be used as a substitute for lunges or squats.

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Ball Superman On Toes

Ball Superman On Toes

The superman exercise performed on the ball develops the erector spinai muscles and glutes. Performing the superman exercise on a swiss ball increased the demand placed on your core muscles. By holding your arms at your side you also stretch the chest and shoulders. This allows you to develop strength-endurance in your back while stretching the upper body. Keep your feet apart for more stability and closer together for increase difficulty.

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