Hand Stand Lockout - Wall Suppor

Hand Stand Lockout – Wall Support

Hand Stand lockout is the precursor to the handstand pushups with wall support. This exercise develops strength in the shoulders and arms. This exercise is advanced and should be performed with supervision. Build a strong level of strength in the shoulders and upper-body before attempting this exercise. Coordination and balance are improved.

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Dumbbell Matrix Lunges With Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Matrix Lunges With Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Matrix Lunges With Shoulder Press is a great full-body conditioning exercise. This exercise can be used to strengthen the hips, shoulders, torso and arms. The lunge touchdown integrates upper and lower body movement which transfers well to sport and life. This exercise can be performed slowly for emphasis on muscular development or faster to develop the neuromuscular system.

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Dumbbell Push Press with Rotation - Alternating

Dumbbell Push Press with Rotation – Alternating

Dumbbell Push Press with Rotation – Alternating develops power and strength in the upper and lower-body. The rotation component activates the core muscles. If you are looking for a quick, effective workout, combine this exercise with Burpees and the Long Jump. You may use heavier weights performing the push press than when performing the exercise with strict form.

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Lying PowerBlock Row

Lying PowerBlock Row

The lying PowerBlock row develops the latissimus dorsi “lats”, rear-deltoids, and the scapula muscles. The bench provides a brace for the upper body to prevent excessive strain on the lower back. Select a bench that allows the bar to travel through a full range of motion. Use lighter dumbbells for muscular endurance and heavier weights for strength development.

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Lying Single-arm Reverse Cable Fly

Lying Single-arm Reverse Cable Fly

The lying single-arm reverse cable fly targets the rear-deltoids and upper back muscles. This is a good exercise for building strength-endurance in the shoulders. Using the bench removes the stabilization demand normally placed on the hip and core muscles. The cable column provides more tension for the shoulders than dumbbells. Squeeze at the top for a peak-contraction.

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PowerBlock Row on Ball

PowerBlock Row on Ball

The PowerBlock row performed on a Swiss ball is a challenging exercise for the back, rear-deltoids, biceps, and core muscles. By keeping your elbows up and out you achieve a peak-contraction in the upper back. The dumbbell row on the Swiss ball can be added into your workout routine on your upper-body day, back and biceps day or as part of a circuit training plan.

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