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Half Curl-Down

Half Curl-Down

The half curl-down strengthens the abdominals and hip flexors. The half curl-down can be included in your workout routine to help you strengthen and sculpt the abs. Diet and exercise are critical for fat loss. Isolation exercises such as crunches target specific muscle groups, but do not contribute to fat loss. The most efficient method for getting great looking abs is to keep a low-fat diet, exercise regularly and maintain a low body fat percentage.

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Hang Clean

Hang Clean

The hang clean develops speed, power and balance in the entire body. Hang cleans are a ground-based, full-body exercise that train the abdominals, obliques, erectors of lower back, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, and groin area. The benefits of the hang clean transfer directly to the athletic arena and provide many benefits for regular exercisers such as; improved balance, quickness, strength, power, and body awareness.

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Hang High Pull

Hang High Pull

The clean hang high-pull develops power in the legs, hips, torso, arms and shoulders. The hang high-pull requires less skill than the power or hang clean and therefore can be easily incorporated into beginner workout routines. The most effective workout routines emphasize big basic movements which have the greatest training effects. The hang high-pull challenges you to control and stabilize your upper-body.

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Jumping Lunges Rotation - Moving

Jumping Lunges Rotation – Moving

Jumping lunges with rotation and forward movement develop powerful, strong legs. The rotation activates the core muscles and the forward movement requires the fast-twitch muscles fibers in the legs to fire on all cylinders. Jumping lunges with rotation and forward motion should be not be performed by beginners. A strong strength base is recommended before performing plyometric exercises.

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Knee Plank

Knee Plank

The plank performed on the knees is a static (isometric) exercise for strengthening the abdominals, back and shoulders. Isometric strength is important for stabilizing the trunk in various sports and exercises. The abdominal plank is a great exercise for strengthening the transverse abdominus. The transverse abdominus is the deepest layer of abdominal muscle and wraps around the whole midsection. When you contract the abdominals, your waist becomes thinner. This is the action of the transverse.

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Knee Pushup — Hands Elevated

The knee pushup performed with hands elevated strengthens the chest, shoulders and triceps. The elevation increases the exercises range of motion and allows for a pre-stretch on the chest muscles. The pre-stretch is believed to contribute to greater force production by the muscles. Following a pre-stretch (eccentric contraction followed immediately by a concentric contraction) the muscles utilize the storage of elastic energy to achieve a peak-contraction.

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Kneeling Ball Side Drape — Arm At Side

The kneeling ball side drape with arm at side stretches the hips and torso. Positioning your arm at your side helps stabilize your body as you relax into the stretch. The surface provides allows you to stretch through a greater range of motion than if you stretched on the floor. Stretching should be performed after a workout when the muscles are thoroughly warmed up.

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