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Step Up

Step ups develop the legs, glutes, and calves. Step ups are a functional movement that transfers well to sport and life. Bodyweight step ups can be used as a strength and conditioning exercise. Add resistance or increase the height of the step to challenge your body. Step ups can be used as a substitute for lunges or squats.

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Step Up and Tap

The step up and tap exercise develops the glutes, legs, and calves. Step ups are a functional movement that transfers well to sport and life. Bodyweight step ups can be used as a strength and conditioning exercise. Add resistance or increase the height of the step to challenge your body. Step ups can be used as a substitute for lunges or squats.

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Ball Superman On Toes

Ball Superman On Toes

The superman exercise performed on the ball develops the erector spinai muscles and glutes. Performing the superman exercise on a swiss ball increased the demand placed on your core muscles. By holding your arms at your side you also stretch the chest and shoulders. This allows you to develop strength-endurance in your back while stretching the upper body. Keep your feet apart for more stability and closer together for increase difficulty.

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Lying Dumbbell Row

Lying Dumbbell Row

The lying dumbbell row develops the latissimus dorsi “lats”, rear-deltoids, and the scapula muscles. The bench provides a brace for the upper body to prevent excessive strain on the lower back. Select a bench that allows the bar to travel through a full range of motion. Use lighter dumbbells for muscular endurance and heavier weights for strength development.

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Band Bench Press

The bench press performed with a resistance band works the chest, shoulders and triceps. The resistance on the band increases as you press away from you chest and decreases as you return to the starting position at the bottom. The resistance band also recruits the stabilizer muscles around the shoulders. You’ll want to find a band with enough resistance at the top of the movement, also called the “positive” portion of the exercise.

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Barbell Bench Press

The bench press is often referred to as the “king” of upper-body exercise. The bench press develops strength in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Using a barbell allows you to lift more weight than using dumbbells because you do not have to focus on stabilizing the weight as you push up. It’s important to keep your feet on the floor for stability and always use a spotter for safety. The bench press should be a staple in your upper-body workouts.

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