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Ball Superman On Toes

Ball Superman On Toes

The superman exercise performed on the ball develops the erector spinai muscles and glutes. Performing the superman exercise on a swiss ball increased the demand placed on your core muscles. By holding your arms at your side you also stretch the chest and shoulders. This allows you to develop strength-endurance in your back while stretching the upper body. Keep your feet apart for more stability and closer together for increase difficulty.

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Dumbbell Step Up

The dumbbell step up performed on a low step targets the glutes and thighs. Step ups are a functional movement which transfers well to everyday life. So while you are building great looking legs you are also preparing you body to handle the stress of everyday life. After mastering forward lunges you may try steps ups as an alternative exercise for strengthening the legs and butt.

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Hand Stand Lockout - Wall Suppor

Hand Stand Lockout – Wall Support

Hand Stand lockout is the precursor to the handstand pushups with wall support. This exercise develops strength in the shoulders and arms. This exercise is advanced and should be performed with supervision. Build a strong level of strength in the shoulders and upper-body before attempting this exercise. Coordination and balance are improved.

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Dumbbell Matrix Lunges With Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Matrix Lunges With Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Matrix Lunges With Shoulder Press is a great full-body conditioning exercise. This exercise can be used to strengthen the hips, shoulders, torso and arms. The lunge touchdown integrates upper and lower body movement which transfers well to sport and life. This exercise can be performed slowly for emphasis on muscular development or faster to develop the neuromuscular system.

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