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Bench Press Restricted ROM

Performing the bench press with a restricted range-of-motion (ROM) is recommended for anyone with a pre-existing shoulder issue. Using a limited ROM reduces some of the shearing and compressive forces caused by the bench press. Place a bolster or rolled up towel over the sternum as a guide for the negative (lower) portion of the barbell bench press. This will ensure you do not move the weight past the restricted ROM.

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Dumbbell Step Up

The dumbbell step up performed on a low step targets the glutes and thighs. Step ups are a functional movement which transfers well to everyday life. So while you are building great looking legs you are also preparing you body to handle the stress of everyday life. After mastering forward lunges you may try steps ups as an alternative exercise for strengthening the legs and butt.

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Auto Quad Stretch

The Auto Quad Stretch is a good warm down exercise after a lower body workout. Stretches such as the auto quad stretch help improve your range of motion and speed up your recovery. For more of a stretch you can pull the opposite leg toward your glutes and hold it a little longer. Keeping your muscles loose is a good way to avoid injury.

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Auto-Band Leg Curl — Seated

The auto-band leg curl performed seated focuses on the hamstrings. This exercise can be used as part of a rehabilitation program for the posterior chain. These muscles are important for knee stability and low back strength. This is also a good for beginner exercisers or people with limited mobility. You can perform this exercise as a substitute for the seated leg curl machine.

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Band Hip Adduction — Standing

Hip adduction performed standing with a resistance band works the inner thigh muscles. This exercise can be performed anywhere, making it a good substitute if a cable machine or inner thigh machine is not available. You can also perform this exercise seated with the resistance band anchored around your knee. The standing variation is best because most activity is performed while standing. This is referred to as “ground-based”, because your feet are in contact with the ground.

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Band Leg Curl — Prone

The leg curl performed with a resistance band in the prone position strengthens the hamstrings. You can perform this exercise at home or at the gym. Hamstring development is important because without it the quadriceps of the front of the thigh can become overdeveloped and lead to muscle imbalances and potentially an injury. Prop a rolled up town under your hips to alleviate low back strain during the exercise. Pause at the top for peak-contraction.

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Band Leg Curl — Seated

Performing the leg curl while seated and using a rubber band for resistance is a great way to strengthen the hamstrings. This exercise isolates the hamstrings and provides a good solution if you are away from the gym. Make sure the chair is strong and is firmly planted on the floor. Keep your torso upright and squeeze at the bands hardest point to achieve a peak-contraction in the hamstrings.

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Band Leg Extension — Seated

The leg extension performed while seated and with a resistance band isolates and strengthens the quadriceps. The seated leg extension can be performed at home or at the gym using machines, resistance bands, cables or manual resistance. You can perform this exercise as part of your lower-body workout. The leg extension exercise is a staple in bodybuilding and is frequently referred to as a “definition” exercise, meaning it helps make the muscles more visual and defined.

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Band Terminal Knee Extension — Standing

Terminal knee extensions are used to strengthen the quadriceps. It is believed that this exercise helps runners knee. Runner’s knee is when the patella (kneecap) rubs against the end of the femur (thigh bone) as the knee moves. The terminal knee extension exercise strengthens the (VMO) vastus medialis oblique muscle, which is primarily charged with keeping the patella in its proper place. For increased comfort, place a towel behind the knee before tightening the elastic band.

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Bent-knee Quad Isometrics — Seated

The Bent-knee Quad Isometrics exercise preformed while seated increases quad strength and promotes appropriate patellar tracking. This exercise is used as part of rehabilitation routine for various knee injuries, such as an ACL tear. If a foam roller is not available you can roll up a beach towel and place it under your knee. Isometrics require the muscles to create tension at a constant length, therefore the muscles do not move the body part.

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Cable Hip Adduction — Standing

The cable hip adduction exercise performed standing strengthens the hip adductors and core muscles. The hip adductors receive a lot of direct work during other exercises such as squats and leg presses. Therefore, you may not require the targeted strengthening of the hip adductors that the cable hip adduction provides. If muscle mass is not desired, you may perform the cable hip adduction exercise in place of squats and presses.

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Half Wall Slide

The half wall slide “wall sit” is an isometric exercise for the thighs. The wall sit uses your bodyweight and gravity for resistance on the thigh muscles (quadriceps). Skiers use the wall sit to develop strength in the legs and glutes (butt). You can use the wall sit as part of your workout routine. It’s a perfect bodyweight exercise for the home or gym.

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Heel kicks or “butt kickers” improve leg turnover (stride frequency). Butt kickers are used by runners to increase their speed and to strengthen the hamstrings. Butt kickers are great addition to the dynamic warm-up portion of our workout. The objective is to run faster and avoid injuries. Heel kicks will help you achieve both objectives.

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