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Rock and Roll to Hand Stand Pushup - Wall

Rock and Roll to Hand Stand Pushup – Wall

If you really want to get crazy with your training try, the rock and roll to hand stand with push-up. This exercise is a functional, full-body strength and conditioning workout. The wall support helps you master the hand stand without the fear of hurting yourself. The rock and roll hand stand with push-up is a bodyweight exercise that many gymnasts and martial artists use for both strength and coordination. This exercise burns the max number of calories in the least amount of time.

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Rocker Board High-sided Reach

Rocker Board High-sided Reach

The rocker board high side reach is good for developing core strength and balance. If you don’t have a partner to throw the ball to you, you can throw the ball to yourself by bouncing it off a wall. The real key to this exercise is not to fall off of the rocker board. This exercise is good for basketball, football and other exercises that involve catching a ball and maintaining your balance.

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Leg-Tucked Medicine-Ball Crunch

Leg-Tucked Medicine-Ball Crunch

The leg-tucked medicine “med” ball crunch strengthens the abdominals and obliques. The med ball makes flexion of the spine more difficult, therefore increasing the difficulty of the exercise. Depending on your goals – choose a lighter ball for muscular endurance or a heavier one for muscular strength. The leg-tucked position decreases the hip flexor involvement.

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Leg-Up Band Crunch

Leg-Up Band Crunch

Leg-up band crunch position the legs perpendicular to the torso and strengthen the abdominals and obliques. The leg-up position challenges the transverse abdominus, the biggest stabilizer of the spine. The resistance band makes flexion of the spine more difficult, therefore increasing the difficulty of the exercise. Depending on your goals – choose a lighter band for muscular endurance or a heavier one for muscular strength.

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Leg-Up Crunch

Leg-Up Crunch

Leg-up crunch position the legs perpendicular to the torso and strengthen the abdominals and obliques. The leg-up position challenges the transverse abdominus, the biggest stabilizer of the spine. The leg-up position band makes flexion of the spine more difficult, therefore increasing the difficulty of the exercise. Add this exercise to your ab workout to keep your muscles stimulated.

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Leg-Up Medicine-Ball Crunch

Leg-Up Medicine-Ball Crunch

Leg-up medicine “med” ball crunch position the legs perpendicular to the torso and strengthen the abdominals and obliques. The leg-up position challenges the transverse abdominus, the biggest stabilizer of the spine. The med ball makes flexion of the spine more difficult, therefore increasing the difficulty of the exercise. Depending on your goals – choose a lighter ball for muscular endurance or a heavier one for muscular strength.

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Ball Dumbbell Supine Fly Unilateral

Ball Dumbbell Supine Fly Unilateral

The dumbbell supine fly performed on the ball is an advanced exercise requiring a strong core. By weighting the body on one side it forces you to work harder to stabilize the movement. The surface of the ball provides for more range of motion and therefore recruits more muscle to perform the action. If one side of you chest is stronger than the other this exercise can help even out development. Bodybuilders like to use this exercise as a “finishing” movement on their chest day.

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Ball Reverse Extension

Ball Reverse Extension

The reversion extension on the swiss ball is a great exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back and glutes. By using the swiss ball you activate more muscles than if you perform the exercise on the floor or on a bench. The reverse extension on the ball is ideal for anyone looking to improve their back and glute strength. Hold the contraction for a second or two to get the most out of this exercise.

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Ball Reverse Hip Extension

Ball Reverse Hip Extension

The reverse hip extension on the ball develops strength in the low back, glutes and hamstrings. This exercise is a challenging and fun way to develop low back strength. Focus on activating your glutes as you raise your legs. Keep your feet close together and stabilize your upper body with your hands planted firmly on the floor. Perform this exercise for a stronger core.

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Ball Thoracic Extension

Ball Thoracic Extension

The ball thoracic extension is a stability ball exercise that strengthens the upper back and core. The surface of the ball allows for greater range of motion than if performed on the floor. The stability ball is a great tool for developing your strength, endurance, balance, and coordination. Perform the ball thoracic exercise at home or in the gym.

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