Leg Press — Machine

The leg press machine strengthens the glutes (butt), thighs (quadriceps and hamtrings), and calves. The machine allows you to focus on pressing the weight and does not require balance or coordination. The leg press machine can be used as a substitute for back squats if you are looking to mix up your workout routine. Due to the mechanical advantage of the leg press its typical for you to be able to press more weight than you can squat.

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PowerBlock Reverse Lunge

The PowerBLock reverse lunge targets the quadriceps and glutes. The adductors on the stationary leg also assist in the lunge. This exercise is a variation of the forward lunge and can be a great way to introduce more variety into your workout routine. Keep your chest upright and your eyes focused forward to assist your balance. Select a pair of dumbbells that are challenging, but do not negatively affect your technique.

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PowerBlock Squat

The PowerBlock squat will build strong, shapely legs. Dumbbell squats strengthen the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps. Using dumbbells allows you to avoid placing loads directly on the back. Squats can be used to build muscle and burn fat by reducing the rest time between sets. Use lighter loads for muscular endurance and heavier loads for building strength and size in the legs.

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