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PowerBlock Shoulder Press — Back Supported

The PowerBlock shoulder press performed seated strengthens the anterior shoulders and triceps. This exercise also trains the upper chest, serratus anterior and the trapezius muscles. Your low back should be pressed against the bench, however your upper back can remain off the bench in order to allow the scapula to move move. You may also perform the dumbbell shoulder press without back support to activate the core muscles.

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PowerBlock Shoulder Press — Standing

The PowerBlock shoulder press performed while standing strengthens the anterior shoulders, triceps, and upper chest. The standing position requires your core muscles and hips to stabilize your upper-body as you press the weight overhead. This exercise is good for developing strong, well-defined shoulder muscles. You can use dumbbells in place of a barbell to add variety to your training and to further isolate the shoulder muscles.

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Leg Press — Machine

The leg press machine strengthens the glutes (butt), thighs (quadriceps and hamtrings), and calves. The machine allows you to focus on pressing the weight and does not require balance or coordination. The leg press machine can be used as a substitute for back squats if you are looking to mix up your workout routine. Due to the mechanical advantage of the leg press its typical for you to be able to press more weight than you can squat.

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