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Dumbbell Static Lunge

Dumbbell Static Lunge

The dumbbell static lunge is a good exercise for beginners because it does not require a great deal of balance to perform. The static position keeps the resistance on the lead leg and helps keep your trunk upright. Static lunges sculpt your legs and glutes while providing additional performance related benefits. If you play a sport the static lunge will help you create more powerful legs.

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Elbow Cobra Stretch

Elbow Cobra Stretch

The elbow cobra stretch relaxes all the muscles of the abdominals and spine. By resting your bodyweight on the elbows you limit the range-of-motion of the spine. This helps ease you into the exercise and is the foundation for the full cobra stretch. Care should be taken not to over extend the spine. The cobra stretch can be included in your fitness program as part of the post-workout recovery period.

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Leg Tucked PowerBlock Crunch

Leg Tucked PowerBlock Crunch

The leg tucked PowerBlock crunch strengthens the abdominals and obliques. The dumbbell makes flexion of the spine more difficult, therefore increasing the difficulty of the exercise. Depending on your goals – choose a lighter dumbbell for muscular endurance or a heavier one for muscular strength. The leg-tucked position decreases the hip flexor involvement.

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Leg Up PowerBlock Crunch

Leg Up PowerBlock Crunch

The leg up PowerBlock crunch position the legs perpendicular to the torso and strengthen the abdominals and obliques. The leg-up position challenges the transverse abdominus, the biggest stabilizer of the spine. The dumbbell makes flexion of the spine more difficult, therefore increasing the difficulty of the exercise. Depending on your goals – choose a lighter dumbbell for muscular endurance or a heavier one for muscular strength.

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Leg-Up Dumbbell Crunch

Leg-Up Dumbbell Crunch

Leg-up dumbbell crunch position the legs perpendicular to the torso and strengthen the abdominals and obliques. The leg-up position challenges the transverse abdominus, the biggest stabilizer of the spine. The dumbbell makes flexion of the spine more difficult, therefore increasing the difficulty of the exercise. Depending on your goals – choose a lighter dumbbell for muscular endurance or a heavier one for muscular strength.

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Dumbbell Push Press with Rotation

Dumbbell Push Press with Rotation

Dumbbell Push Press with Rotation develops power and strength in the upper and lower-body. The rotation component activates the core muscles. If you are looking for a quick, effective workout, combine this exercise with Burpees and the Long Jump. You may use heavier weights performing the push press than when performing the exercise with strict form.

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Alternating Lying PowerBlock Row

Alternating Lying PowerBlock Row

The alternating lying PowerBlock row is a good alternative to the bent-over row because it places very little stress on the low back. While you will not be able to use as much weight you will be able to effectively target the shoulders and upper back. This exercise required dumbbells and a bench making it a good exercise for anyone with limited access to equipment. The alternating lying row can also be performed on a swiss ball to engage the core muscles.

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