Lying Barbell Row

Lying Barbell Row

The lying barbell row develops the latissimus dorsi “lats”, rear-deltoids, and the scapula muscles. The bench provides a brace for the upper body to prevent excessive strain on the lower back. Select a bench that allows the bar to travel through a full range of motion. Use lighter weights for muscular endurance and heavier weights for strength development.

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Lying Reverse Cable Fly

Lying Reverse Cable Fly

The lying reverse cable fly targets the rear-deltoids and upper back muscles. This is a classic bodybuilding exercise for “filling out” the shoulders. Using the bench removes the stabilization demand normally placed on the hip and core muscles. The cable column provides more tension for the shoulders than dumbbells. Squeeze at the top for a peak-contraction.

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Neural Mobilizer

Neural Mobilizer

The neural mobilizer is a good stretch for anyone who sits for long periods of time. The goal is to mobilize the nerves throughout the spine. It can be done anywhere you have a space to sit down. Remember that this is a gentle mobility exercise and refrain from using momentum or hold the stretch too long.

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Rocker Board Side Reach

Rocker Board Side Reach

The rocker board side reach is good for developing core strength and balance. If you don’t have a partner to throw the ball to you, you can throw the ball to yourself by bouncing it off a wall. The real key to this exercise is not to fall off of the rocker board. This exercise is good for basketball, football and other exercises that involve catching a ball and maintaining your balance.

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