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PowerBlock Supine Fly Unilateral

The PowerBlock Supine Fly Unilateral performed on the ball is an advanced exercise requiring a strong core. By weighting the body on one side it forces you to work harder to stabilize the movement. The surface of the ball provides for more range of motion and therefore recruits more muscle to perform the action. If one side of you chest is stronger than the other this exercise can help even out development. Bodybuilders like to use this exercise as a “finishing” movement on their chest day.

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Seated Chest Press

The seated chest press is an exercise for the chest and triceps. The equipment is available at most gyms. The seated chest press is simple enough for beginner exercisers and is good for people with limited mobility. As with every other exercise you should start slowly and follow a proper progression with the seated chest press.

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45-Degree Leg Press

The 45-degree leg press is a safe and effective way to exercise the major muscles groups of your legs. The leg press is a good alternative for people who are unable or uncomfortable with performing a back squat. An advantage of the leg press is that it allows you to use more weight than a free weight squat. It’s also to add variety to your workout routine.

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PowerBlock Push Press With Rotation

PowerBlock Push Press With Rotation

The PowerBlock Push Press with Rotation develops power and strength in the upper and lower-body. The rotation component activates the core muscles. If you are looking for a quick, effective workout, combine this exercise with Burpees and the Long Jump. You may use heavier weights performing the push press than when performing the exercise with strict form.

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